Wed Oct. 02, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.. The first Wednesday of every 1 month(s), 8 time(s)
The District Edina
7777 Washington Ave, Suite 201
Edina, MN  55439
United States of America
ON HIATUS -- Guest speakers will be an Edina Rotarian from either the Edina Rotary Club or Edina Morningside Club. The speaker for the month will be featured on the Edina Rotary Club website and in the newsletter.  The event is promoted to give you a chance to connect with other's club members and any guests in a casual happy hour styled setting and is held from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at The District Edina, 7777 Washington Ave, Suite 201, Edina MN 55439. 
The meeting will feature a brief presentation from a featured Rotarian, plus time for introductions, networking and questions. The Rotary Club of Edina and EMRC collaborate on this event. The program is free. At will food and beverage purchase is a $20.00 donation.