Hennepin County Sheriff, Dawanna S. Witt, was elected as the Hennepin County Sheriff on November 8, 2022. She was sworn in and took office on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. She is the first woman and person of color to hold the office.
Born in Chicago and raised in Minneapolis, Sheriff Witt became a mother at 15 but nevertheless excelled at school. She earned several scholarships to college, including the Justice Alan Page Scholarship. In college, Sheriff Witt studied chemical dependency and family therapy. She volunteered in several community organizations and saw firsthand how her actions could make a positive difference in the lives of young people. Her passion for working with kids remains to this day.
Prospective Member Day - February 6. Several times throughout the year The Rotary Club of Edina speaker committee designs meeting programs and speakers to promote general public interest that give our members the opportunity to introduce friends, family, and co-workers to Rotary. These events can be used as a casual way to share your Rotary experience, fellowship, and dedication to a collective humanitarian cause. Please take a moment to think of the people you know who are people of action in solving some of our world's most persistent problems by promoting peace; fighting disease; finding access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; saving mothers and children; enhancing education; localizing economy growth and protection of our climate and environment. Your guest(s) lunch and program are complimentary. Schedule conflict? Share www.rotary.org and www.edinarotary.org with someone you know.
Our bi-monthly DEI gatherings at Pimento Jamaican Kitchen has undergone a rebranding. These gatherings are now known as "Twin Cities Entrepreneur Circle"/Connecting entrepreneurs across the Twin Cities. Join us for the first of six dates in 2025; February 20, April 17, June 19, August 21, October 16 and December 11, 2025 with cocktails, appetizers and networking offered from 5:30 to 7 pm each meeting date. Guest REGISTRATION.
Building on Phillip Koehn thoughtful phrase, "Minorities and majorities need to be given room for human and cultural exchange." The first speaker, Alex Merritt, The Love Engineer, is on a mission to bring logic to love. Her workshops and keynotes on communication and team connection deliver practical and actionable strategies that transform lives.
This is a very casual and informal gathering and non-Rotarian guests are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Open to the public, registration is appreciated but not mandatory. Click HERE to add your name to the guest list. We look forward to meeting you. Pimento Jamaican Kitchen, 2524 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis MN 55404. Call Josh Sprague, Edina Rotary, 612-501-0252
REGISTER TODAY TO BOWL on Saturday, February 22 with your Rotary friends. Teams are forming and it looks to be a very competitive year. Who will walk away with the "big" trophy? REGISTER HERE
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2023
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Where: Park Tavern, St. Louis Park
Cost: $25/per bowler covers lane and shoe rental. Pre-registration and payment by Feb. 20 is required. Note in "Comments" if you are part of a specific team.
Park Tavern menu and drinks will be available for purchase.
Contact: Joe Hayes at jrhayes331@gmail.com or 952-334-9909 with any questions.
Check your email for the Edina Rotary Foundation donation tax receipts due to be emailed between Jan 29 to Jan 31. The Edina Rotary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Federal Tax ID No. 41-1456869. Canceled checks are no longer valid substantiation for charitable gifts over $250. Please retain the receipt for your tax records. The foundation deadline for sending out donation tax receipt information is January 31, 2025. If you do not receive a receipt you believe you are due, please contact Becci Michalski at rotary.becci@gmail.com or 952-215-7924.
President Paul Peterson announced the net revenue raised at this year's Edina Rotary Foundation Gala and Car Show were net $200,000. This money will be used exclusively to fund our International and Local grant opportunities over the next several years. The Gala Committee is very grateful for your generous and selfless acts of sharing thus making this one of our foundation's most successful fundraising campaigns. A humble and heartfelt thank you to all who helped make this happen.
Our club and foundation has received the following notes of appreciation.
From Cornerstone:
Dear Rotary Club of Edina members, Thank you so much for your generous donation of Thanksgiving baskets to Cornerstone's families. We are truly grateful for your ongoing partnership in our work to create safer communities and more peaceful families.
From Good in the Hood:
Dear Paul and Edina Rotary Club, Thank you so much for your generous donation of 60 - $25 gift cards to Good in the Hood's Adopt a Family program! Because of you we can purchase and provide children's gifts for families struggling with financial insecurity. Thank you for making that possible! Sincerely, Jamie
DEADLINE for newsletter story and event submission is Monday Noon for Tuesday publication.
The Rotary Club of Edina's Administrator, Becci Michalski, works part time and will respond to your inquiries. Contact her at rmichalski@EdinaRotary.org.