The mission of Minnesota Sports and Events is to provide maximum impact for the region's economy, image and quality of life through the attraction, promotion and execution of world-class events. For more information on Minnesota Sports and Events visit their webpage HERE.
Save the date for the next Community Service Event - Bridging Dresser Build.
DATE: Tuesday, January 28th
TIME: 3:00 to 6:00
LOCATION: 201 W 87th Street, Bloomington
WHAT ARE WE DOING: Building 10 dressers for families pursuing housing stability.
WHAT TO BRING: Dress comfortably in clothing that can get dusty. Closed-toe shoes are required. 14-years or older. Bring friends and family. REGISTER HERE
REGISTER TODAY TO BOWL on Saturday, February 22 with your Rotary friends. Teams are forming and it looks to be a very competitive year. Who will walk away with the "big" trophy? REGISTER HERE
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2023
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Where: Park Tavern, St. Louis Park
Cost: $25/per bowler covers lane and shoe rental. Pre-registration and payment by Feb. 20 is required. Note in "Comments" if you are part of a specific team.
Park Tavern menu and drinks will be available for purchase.
Contact: Joe Hayes at or 952-334-9909 with any questions.
President Paul Peterson announced the net revenue raised at this year's Edina Rotary Foundation Gala and Car Show were net $200,000. This money will be used exclusively to fund our International and Local grant opportunities over the next several years. The Gala Committee is very grateful for your generous and selfless acts of sharing thus making this one of our foundation's most successful fundraising campaigns. A humble and heartfelt thank you to all who helped make this happen.
As part of our Community Service Committee local outreach, The Rotary Club of Edina helped raise $5,200 for the Salvation Army Kettle by bell ringing at Jerry's Foods-Edina Wednesday, Dec. 18. and Monday, December 23, 2024. Dan Hallberg, SA Red Kettle Ring Chair, Past President 1980-1981 and Past District Governor organized and facilitate this popular event for our members. Thank you, Dan.
For more information or questions regarding Edina Rotary’s Community Service, contact Nikki Ahlgren, Director of Community Service.
Our club and foundation has received the following notes of appreciation.
From Cornerstone:
Dear Rotary Club of Edina members, Thank you so much for your generous donation of Thanksgiving baskets to Cornerstone's families. We are truly grateful for your ongoing partnership in our work to create safer communities and more peaceful families.
From Good in the Hood:
Dear Paul and Edina Rotary Club, Thank you so much for your generous donation of 60 - $25 gift cards to Good in the Hood's Adopt a Family program! Because of you we can purchase and provide children's gifts for families struggling with financial insecurity. Thank you for making that possible! Sincerely, Jamie
At last week's meeting and in accordance with the Rotary Club of Edina bylaws, the immediate past president, Shelly Loberg, presented the nominations of Secretary and the Club directors who will replace the 2025-24 outgoing committee directors at the end of the year, June 30, 2025. Past President Loberg convened the meeting of the nominating committee comprised of her and the previous two past presidents and current officers to select nominees.
A complete list of 2025-2026 board and committee directors can be found below by clicking Read More. After signing into your club profile, current club bylaws can reviewed HERE.
Guatemala 2025 is on! We are planning to return to Guatemala April 26-May 3, 2025. The Rotary Club of Edina invites you to join the 2025 International Service trip to Coban, Guatemala.
DEADLINE for newsletter story and event submission is Monday Noon for Tuesday publication.
The Rotary Club of Edina's Administrator, Becci Michalski, works part time and will respond to your inquiries. Contact her at