The Rotary Club of Edina is proud to announce that Larry Doty is a new member of our Club. Amir's classification is Higher Education, and his sponsor to the Club was Paul Peterson. He joined the Club on Nov. 6, 2014.

Periodically we feature a new member of the Rotary Club of Edina on our website. This week we meet:

Name: Larry Doty​

Classification: Higher Education

What was your first job?: Cleaning bugs off of airplane wings

Who was your first role model and why?: My uncle. He went through over 20 surgeries in his life, never complained, always wanted to work and contribute regardless of the hand he was dealt.

Why did you want to join Rotary?: The mission of helping others and the community is amazing and I feel Rotary is a club that puts the mission into action.

What do you like best about being part of the Rotary Club of Edina?: I have attended other Rotary Club meetings and I am blown away by the passion and kindness that the members of the Edina Rotary Club display. I enjoy coming to the meetings and feel like it refreshes my day and week by connecting with such great people!

What one piece of advice do you offer other business leaders?: Success is found in the trenches. Good leaders strategically identify opportunities for improvement and motivate their teams with focused energy. Success is a choice and good leaders put their teams in a position to choose success.

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Edina, Larry!