We need FIVE volunteer to fill the roster for January 18. HELP we lost our sign up sheet to a computer glitch. Please sign up today to help Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People (VEAP) pack food bags for local school children who go hungry over the weekends during the school year. Volunteers from the Rotary Club of Edina are needed for afternoon shifts at VEAP, 9600 Aldrich Ave., Bloomington, every other month July 2022 through June 2023. Shifts run from 2:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. A minimum of five volunteers per shift are needed. Sign up HERE.
Volunteer Dates for the year and further details below:
Presently VEAP Student Food Pack program works with dozens of schools across their service area to make sure students who need additional food during the day or at the end of the week can pick up food or snacks right from pantry cupboards onsite at schools. VEAP also distributes food bags packed with the weekend in mind for students who may be food-insecure when school’s not in session. Teachers and social workers also work to help identify students they believe would benefit from the support. As a volunteer you and your fellow Rotarians will assembly weekend food bags.
Rotarians in Area 3 helped establish this food program several years ago and have regularly helped pack backs of food to be discretely distributed at schools to those in need before the weekend.
For more information, contact Past President Jennifer Bennerotte, 612-201-3467 or jbennerotte@EdinaRotary.org.